When can babies eat puffs?

When can babies eat puffs | Dissolving foods


Baby puffs are such type of dissolving foods that we mainly use as baby food. These puffs are a great idea for introducing solid foods to babies. Baby puffs should be small in size that could be easily picked up by baby’ pincer grapes.

Puffs come in a variety of colors, and shape that looks quite funny. You may consider baby puffs as easy to chew snacks also. These foods are highly dissolvable that a baby can easily swallow without having any risk of choking.

When can babies eat puff?

Generally, 7 to 9 month age is appropriate for introducing puffs to your baby. Often experts recommend 9 month age for offering puffs to babies because, in this age, a baby is able to use his/her pincer grasp well.

Grocery stores are full of baby puffs, which you may easily bring and serve to your plate, whether baby puffs are easy to cook evenly. Normally there are a lot of types of the baby finger that you may use them baby puffs.

At the age of 7 to 9 months, always try to offer organic puffs to your baby because these puffs are highly promoted your baby health.

Are baby puffs are safe to serve?

Absolutely yes, as I already told you that baby puffs are highly safe to serve. These foods are the best source of providing nutrients to your baby without having any risk of choking. A lot of babies could not chew their food properly, even the age of 2 years old, so; their parents especially serve them puffs in order to finish their hunger.

On the other hand, puffy foods are always safe due to their dissolving ability and finger food shape. As we all know that any type of baby food must be fresh all the way; otherwise, it could be cause for several diseases.

Well, just take care of the quality of your baby’s puffs and serve them on a clean plate. I’m sure your baby will love to have these puffs. A lot of people do not care about the cleanness, and later they face a lot of health troubles for their baby.

Anyways I know you are not that type of parent, and you will absolutely care for your baby food. Merely try to give some juicy type of puffs to your baby that must be tastier. Once the baby loves your given puff, then surely he/she will easily learn the way to eat my own.

Few types of baby puffs:

  • Watermelon
  • Cheese
  • Banana
  • Well-cooked pieces of vegetables
  • Milk dipped cookies
  • Milk baby bread
  • Baby cupcakes
  • Puff roles
  • Well, if you want something readymade for your baby then I must suggest you try;
  • Greber,
  • happy baby organic food,
  • earth’s best,
  • plum organic,
  • baby mum – mum, and
  • peter rabbit
  • yogurt
  • cheerios

All the above brands are the most selling brands of baby puffs. They are serving such tastier and healthier puffs to the babies. From packing to food quality everything is admirable. The most wondering point about these brands is their easy availability.

Yes, you may have any of them in a grocery store while they are introducing a variety of textures and tests in puffs. It is all upon your desire that what type of puffy food you want to serve to your baby. Don’t think about the price. These all are absolutely reasonable.

Nevertheless, after testing everything, if you do not like any of them, then you may try something else also. Otherwise, homemade is always better than readymade. Although make yourself ready to make baby puffs and avoid market products.


Readymade puffs are good to serve in an emergency or in the travel. May your baby do not like in the once (in the travel) so, I must say to introduce readymade puffs at home first.

Essential tips for serving baby puffs:

In my opinion, no one can know about a baby batter than his/her parents (especially mother.) however I know that you all know your baby’s eating habit, style, the way he likes to eat and what he like to eat?

After having a lot of hypotheses; finally, I have found some essential tips for serving puffs. If you want to really have these then, please look below;

  • Try to serve a little number of puffs to your baby at a time. Always avoid putting too many puffs in the baby mouth in once.
  • Never hook your baby with only 1 to 2 types of puffy food. Changing flavors and textures is always being interesting, though explore the market and your kitchen to serve something different.
  • Make a schedule of serving puffs; this way, you will disturb the potty schedule of your baby.
  • After giving one type puffs to your baby, wait for two days minimally to examine the sootiness level.
  • Your initial puffs should low in nutrition.

Never open baby puffs for too many time, don’t forget that baby puffs are containing air; though they will reduce their quality after sometimes.

Over to you:

Don’t forget that baby puffs are also considered as baby finger foods. Puffs are the best source of providing nutrients to your baby. This is the reason puffs are highly primitive to maintain baby health. Anyways always make a plan and introduce new food within the age cycle of your toddler. Look! If your baby is entering the toddler age, then puffs would be good to serve as the first solid food.

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