Can you get your period while pregnant

Can you get your period while pregnant | Surprising information


May you have heard a lot of about misinformation in pregnancy by some grannies? Or may have got some information about pregnancy and period on internet? Because we know pregnancy is such a mind wobbling period for women.

For many new mums, one silly question is very common that “Can you get your period while pregnant”? After having tones of anecdotal accounts, it is absolutely impossible to get a monthly period in pregnancy for many ladies.

A babyhealthcaree has a specific category to tell you all myths for pregnancy. Through this article, you are about to know each and everything about pregnancy and serious connection with bleeding.

The difference between menstruation and bleeding:

Make sure blood in pregnancy is not menstruation but it will be called bleeding. Having light or heavy bleeding all depends on the situation. The best way to distinguish bleeding and period is only testing pregnancy.

If the test comes negative means these are periods (might be an irregular cycle.) Dissimilarity if the test comes positive mean it is time to concern your doctor or midwife.

The doctor will further diagnose and treat that is this pregnancy ectopic – or – is there any deficiency of progesterone. 80% of miscarriage chances will increase in heavy bleeding.

The best time to perform a pregnancy test at home is the expecting days of the period. Three days to one week is a good time span to wait for your period whether then you may check the pregnancy strip easily.

Can you get a full period and still be pregnant?

Period while pregnant is a rare thing for the majority of women. Expecting periods in pregnancy is not common for all. In some cases, a pregnant woman may experience some irregular bleeding or spotting.

This bleeding will not be considered as a normal menstrual cycle though it may confuse you easily. Bleeding in pregnancy normally occurs in the days of usual expecting days of the monthly period though in the early month it would be hard to distinguish between bleeding or period.

According to the doctor, it is easy to distinguish by color; like bleeding in pregnancy can light pink or dark brown while periods are simply red in color.

Could I be pregnant and still have a regular period? (Common Causes)

Well, I have already concluded that having bleeding in pregnancy is possible but there is differentiating between menstrual period and bleeding. Let me quote some common causes of bleeding during pregnancy.

Bleeding through implantation:

The bleeding that occurs through fertilized egg implantation within the uterus is known as implantation bleeding.

When female eggs attach to the uterus’s wall and make this wall detachable then blood comes through the vagina. Implantation bleeding can be pink-red or somehow light brown.

Ectopic pregnancy and bleeding:

When fertilized eggs implant their selves outer side of the uterus then bleeding may come frequently. This is a type of pregnancy known as ectopic pregnancy and usually, it happens through the cervix and Fallopian tubes.

When this uncommon implantation occurs then the cells start to grow in the tubes and may result in severe pain and bleeding. In an ectopic pregnancy, blood can be red but this feeling is very painful for a woman.

Ectopic pregnancy is not ignoble if you leave it without treatment. Even you may miss further chances of being a mother in the future. In the case of ectopic pregnancy medical care is most important for a woman.

Fact: bleeding in pregnancy is really not meant that this is abnormal conception though some while situation can be changed.

Birth control pills and bleeding:

Can you get your period while pregnant

It is still confusing for many of us that taking birth controlling pills is harmful or not. Often women may face irregular period cycles due to these pills.

After continuing many years of these pills when you leave and got pregnancy then it can be strange somehow. It will possible to get some unusual health issues such as intermittent spotting in pregnancy.

Morally it happens due to hormonal change. For a few doctors, it is hard to diagnose that after having a log time of pills is this your intermittent spotting within pregnancy or you are having a normal period.

Molar pregnancy:

This is a type of pregnancy when fertilized eggs develop abnormally in the uterus and the placenta looks a mass of cysts. It may seem like a tumor. In terms of medical this type of abnormal fertilization characterized as nonstandard growth of trophoblasts.

Trophoblasts are the pregnancy cells that normally grow within the placenta. Awkwardly this type of pregnancy is not normal and will not be successful in the future.

Similar to the ectopic pregnancy you cannot molar pregnancy is not negotiable. It should be treated immediately. Surely the negligence of the patient or doctor can be a serious cause of the reproductive system’s damage.

Miscarriage and bleeding:

May you have heard this world already? Miscarriage is the most common cause of bleeding or you may responsible bleeding for your miscarriage.

Similar to the other cause of bleeding is miscarriage you may feel light spotting to heavy bleeding. The quantity of bleeding is whole depended on the situation.

Fact: make sure that bleeding within pregnancy is not really meant that the pregnancy is not going to survive anymore. However, it would be better for you and your baby to consult a health provider as soon as possible in case of bleeding.

There are dozens of causes that may sure which type of bleeding you are experiencing while pregnancy. Hope now, you have a clear sense of “Can you get your period while pregnant.”

Bottom lines:

Well, there is a big difference between period and bleeding. The period that comes in pregnancy will be different in look and known as bleeding. Medically it is not good to have bleeding in pregnancy.

Even having bleeding in pregnancy is not common for all women. There is dozens of causes for this type of bleeding and disturbed periods.

Some of the common causes are quoted in this article whether we have clearly differentiated the bleeding and common period.

Make sure that you cannot ignore your disturbed menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, if you want to get an answer for your unusual periods with or within pregnancy then you should to concern your doctor anyhow.

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